
Apr 12, 2016

The road to Three Box strategy: Ongoing process, not a one-time project

An op-ed piece by Vijay Govindarajan about how effective leaders should not only know where their organization is going but also, where they are currently, and where they have been.

Apr 11, 2016

What You Know That You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Highlights the book, Why Smart Executives Fail, by Sydney Finkelstein, in an article about the dangers of unknown knowns and how they ultimately paralyze the ability to make good strategic decisions.

Apr 11, 2016

The Three-Box Solution is about being a leader in 2025, not 2016: Vijay Govindarajan

An interview with Vijay Govindarajan on his Three-Box solution and how companies can use it to optimize an existing company while creating a new business.

Apr 07, 2016

Why These Three Questions Can Solve Any Problem

Sydney Finkelstein suggests reflecting on the following; Are you really willing to change what you’ve been doing? Can you think of a better strategy or idea than the status quo? Can you execute on your chosen solution?

Apr 07, 2016

Republicans sour on free trade, see drag on U.S. economy, job losses

Dean Matthew Slaughter says, "Americans' attitudes toward trade are becoming more protectionist in large part because of how broad have been the downward pressures on Americans' earnings in recent years—regardless of their political party."

Apr 06, 2016

Halliburton’s Dying Bid Shows Antitrust Cops Pounding Mega-Deals

Cites research by Gordon Phillips which finds that under current antitrust standards, nearly one-third of U.S. industries are considered highly concentrated, up from about 25 percent in 1996.

Apr 06, 2016

Survey: US H-1B Visa Policies Too Restrictive

Continued coverage on findings in a new report by Dean Matthew Slaughter that suggest areas with higher number of H-1B immigrants tend to have faster growth in productivity—driving the increase in standards of living and real wages.

Apr 05, 2016

America’s Wealthiest Business Schools

Tuck places fourth on Poets and Quants' list that ranks endowment per student.

Apr 05, 2016

5 Leadership Authors You Must Follow in 2016

Lists Sydney Finkelstein as one of five leadership authors to follow in 2016.

Apr 05, 2016

So what if Iranian drones did strike Syria? We are not entering a dark age of...

Quotes Ron Adner, professor of strategy and entrepreneurship, about the complexities involved with deploying military drones. Adner explains that any innovation poses ecosystem challenges, requiring organizational and infrastructural support.

Apr 04, 2016

At the Speed of Speed

A feature story on Daniel Weinstein T'09, founder and lead instructor for the Skating Club at Dartmouth's speed skating program. According to the Valley News the program, “Is now in its third year demonstrating the techniques involved with one of the world’s fastest non-motor-assisted sports.”

Apr 04, 2016

Health Education from a Social Marketing Mindset

Punam Keller discusses the benefits of health educators using a social marketing approach to get patients to change their health behavior.

Apr 04, 2016

8 Leadership Practices That Will Make You Memorable

Highlights the common counter intuitive practices that define successful leaders as outlined by Sydney Finkelstein in his new book Superbosses: How Exceptional Leaders Master the Flow of Talent.

Apr 04, 2016

Study: American economy hampered by limits on skilled immigrant workers

A repost of the U.S. News & World Report coverage on findings in a new report by Dean Matthew Slaughter that suggests skilled immigrants create new jobs and companies that ultimately help the economy grow.

Apr 04, 2016

Majority of Americans want undocumented immigrants to stay in the US

Dean Mathew Slaughter is quoted as saying, "The paradox I come back to is that there's a preponderance of evidence that high-skill immigration is a dynamic force that can help the U.S. create not just jobs, but good jobs."

Apr 01, 2016

Here’s How Data Analytics Could Get You Hired By Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, UBS

Quotes Deirdre O’Donnell in an article on big data analytics becoming a requirement for many employers in the finance industry such as Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan.

Apr 01, 2016

Great Innovators Create the Future, Manage the Present, and Selectively Forget the Past

An opinion piece by Vijay Govindarajan on how the framework of the three-box solution will enable organizations to flourish—giving attention to the past, present, and future.

Apr 01, 2016

Need smarter policies: Econ. professor on trade

Dean Matthew Slaughter weighs in on current U.S. trade policy and the effects it has for companies and the American people.

Mar 30, 2016

Vogel: Airplane Noise

John Vogel discusses the damaging effects the noise of the National Guard’s fighter jets may have on the real estate market in Chittenden County—especially Winooski and Burlington, Vermont. Vogel states, “Rather than make incremental changes to mitigate what is now a bad situation, it seems to me we should be able to find a way to test military planes over a less densely populated area and not put Vermont’s economic engine at risk.”

Mar 30, 2016

Power Lunch: John Lynch

John Lynch discusses his career and his teaching role at Tuck. "I am not just teaching in the MBA program; I'm also helping to set up an executive education program for public officials all over the country—governors, mayors, department heads and senior staff."

Mar 30, 2016

What Happens to U.S. Companies If Trump or Sanders Roll Back Free Trade?

Quotes Emily Blanchard about how a U.S. exit from the World Trade Organization or NAFTA would have a terrible ripple effect on prices, jobs and tax revenue. "If the U.S. starts backing out of major agreements, there's an unraveling that could occur, and no one knows how bad or how ugly that could get. If you start violating parts of treaties, then all the rules of global commerce start to erode."

Mar 30, 2016

The Three Box Solution: A Strategy For Leading Innovation

Features an interview with Vijay Govindarajan, the Coxe Distinguished Professor of Management, about his new book, "The Three Box Solution: A Strategy for Leading Innovation."

Mar 30, 2016

America Needs More Skilled Immigrant Workers, Study Says

A new report by Dean Matthew Slaughter suggests skilled immigrants create new jobs and companies that ultimately help the economy grow. "People have concerns about jobs and wages for themselves and their children, and that's not unfounded. It's sobering how poor income growth in particular has been for so many families and workers in the U.S. for so many years at this point. The paradox I come back to is that there's a preponderance of evidence that high-skill immigration is a dynamic force that can help the U.S. create not just jobs, but good jobs."

Mar 29, 2016

The Big Number

Quotes Colin Blaydon on how the number of private-equity deals that involved a minority stake declined to just 650 last year—down 40% since 2008. Blaydon argues, “They’ve gotten very skittish about the emerging-market private-equity deals, driven largely by the Chinese volatility.”

Mar 29, 2016

Many Companies Still Don’t Know How to Compete in the Digital Age

Ron Adner uses Kodak as an example of disruption in the digital age. "Companies that learn the right lesson from Kodak’s failure — that learn to approach their competitive strategy with a wide lens that captures ecosystem dynamics — will be more likely to respond effectively to this new generation of disruptive challenges. Those that don’t risk suffering Kodak’s fate."

Mar 28, 2016

The future is now

Vijay Govindarajan comments on his new book, Three Box Solution: A Strategy For Leading Innovation. “I have distilled a framework that shows how businesses—and their people—can take concerted action in three time horizons at once: Executing the present core business at peak efficiency (Box 1); avoiding the inhibiting traps of past success (Box 2); and building a future, day by day, through a process of strategic innovation (Box 3).”

Mar 25, 2016

10 MBA Programs Where Grads Score the Highest Signing Bonuses

Highlights that Tuck was recently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as one of the top 10 business schools whose graduates saw the highest average signing bonuses in 2015.

Mar 24, 2016

Does Your Boss Inspire Greatness?

Sydney Finkelstein discusses how companies need to reevaluate their approach to mentorship—from occasionally checking in, to a consistent presence. Finkelstein says, “Sticking to outdated and potentially limited thinking when it comes to developing talent won’t cut it anymore.”

Mar 23, 2016

Black Women Are Leaning In… And Have Been for Generations

Quotes Ella Bell Smith about a report that found black women have always been leaders and/or have always aspired to leadership positions. “What it means to be a woman, a feminist, in the black community, is very different from what it means to be a woman in the white community. Rosa Parks is part of my lineage. Because black mothers raise their daughters to understand the shoulders we stand on, we have a different sense of who we are, what we can take on, and what we can survive.”

Mar 22, 2016

Reverse innovation gets real: Announcing the McKinsey Award winners

Professor Vijay Govindarajan (VG) won the prestigious McKinsey Award for the best paper in the Harvard Business Review in 2015. He received the award for his paper, “Engineering Reverse Innovations,” co-authored with MIT Mechanical Engineering Professor Amos Winter. This is the second time VG has received the McKinsey Award.

Mar 22, 2016

NFL considers Rooney rule to help bring women into the league

Mentions the participation of Tuck faculty members this past weekend at an NFL symposium to evaluate the Rooney rule, in an attempt to give women a chance to interview for front office positions—including head coach. “If you think outside the NFL, a lot of major organizations have announced similar efforts to extend something like the Rooney rule. Here’s an opportunity for clubs to adopt this as a best practice, and we are excited about the opportunity to have some more thoughtful dialogue with the clubs,” says Robert Gulliver, the NFL’s chief human resources officer.

Mar 21, 2016

Here’s how Twitter turns trolls into celebrities—and celebrities into trolls

Paul Argenti contributes to an article about how the use of Twitter has shifted over the last ten years, allowing ordinary people to find fame and hold on to it in a way that is shaping our culture. "Everybody can be a media company. Anyone can control the flow of information. You can interact with people you otherwise wouldn't have access to."

Mar 21, 2016

CEOs oppose Ga. push to let faith-based groups refuse certain services

Paul Argenti comments on how companies that voice support for gay rights tend to look after employees’ rights. “I think it’s kind of a no-brainer. You most likely have a non-discrimination policy in place, why wouldn’t you support it publicly by acting in favor of what most people would agree to anyway?”

Mar 18, 2016

Bitcoin’s Blockchain, Electric FinTech Is Tempting MBAs To Top Investment Banks

Quotes Deirdre O'Donnell on how nine out of 10 Tuck MBAs who want to work in investment banking are eyeing tech teams. "There's a lot of innovation and deal flow in this sector. It's the sexy business right now. But there's a huge logjam."

Mar 18, 2016

Poor Country, Top Doctors

Cites an article co-authored by Vijay Govindarajan about how hospitals in the U.S. should be able to adopt elements of the high-quality, low-cost healthcare model of Narayana Hrudayalaya—a hospital system in Bengalaru, India.

Mar 17, 2016

U.S. News Data: Job Rates, Starting Salaries for MBA Grads

In U.S. News and World Report’s annual rankings of the best business schools, Tuck jumped up a spot to #8—tying with the Yale School of Management. Tuck is ranked #1 for employment three months post-graduation among the top ten schools, #2 for highest average starting salaries including bonus, and #8 overall in the management category.